Anaconda Visual Studio Code

A few months ago, Anaconda, Inc., creator of the world’s most popular Python data science platform, announced a partnership with Microsoft that included providing Anaconda Distribution users easy access to Visual Studio Code (VS Code). We are pleased to announce that, with the February 15th release of Anaconda Distribution 5.1, this goal is now a reality.

Visual Studio Code and the Python extension provide a great editor for data science scenarios. With native support for Jupyter notebooks combined with Anaconda, it's easy to get started. In this section, you will create a workspace for the tutorial, create an Anaconda environment with the data science modules needed for the tutorial, and create. Anaconda is also great for people working independently on code development. Visual Studio is well suited when you want to build web applications or window applications in C# using the.NET framework. You can build a full-stack application with razor engine frontend, backend in the.NET framework. Anaconda 5.1부터 Visual Studio Code를 간편하게 설치할 수 있게 연동되어있다. Vscode를 따로 단독으로 설치하면 python extension 설치부터 가상환경 연동이 복잡하나 Anaconda Navigator를 이용하면 그 과정이 매우 간편해진다. 시작 메뉴에서 Anaconda Navigator를 실행해보자. Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Anaconda Distribution works with Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Microsoft’s lightweight and fast open-source code editor. VS Code is free for both private and commercial use, runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and includes support for linting, debugging, task running, version control and Git integration, IntelliSense code completion, and conda environments.

VS Code is a free, open source streamlined cross-platform code editor with excellent support for Python code editing, IntelliSense, debugging, linting, version control, and more. Additionally, the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code tailors VS Code into a Python IDE.

For Anaconda users, VS Code is a great IDE choice on Windows, macOS, or Linux. Free for private or commercial use, VS Code is lightweight and fast, yet still offers debugging, code completion, and Git integration. It is also openly extensible—users can choose from a long list of additional extensions to tailor it to their specific needs. VS Code provides developers with the tools they need for a quick code-build-debug cycle.

When installing Anaconda Distribution for the first time, users will have the option to install VS Code, which will feature a special Anaconda extension including the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code. This offers Anaconda users a powerful IDE to get the most out of the Python packages included in the Anaconda Distribution, as well as the ability to easily edit conda configuration.


Further, Anaconda Navigator, the Anaconda desktop graphical user interface, allows users to launch applications and easily manage conda packages, environments, and channels without the need to use a command line interface. Anaconda users with Anaconda Navigator v1.7 or later will be able to easily install and launch VS Code from the home screen. When a user launches VS Code from Navigator, VS Code will be configured to use the Python interpreter from the selected environment.

Anaconda, Inc. is excited to be able to make installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Code and the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code a more seamless experience for our Anaconda users. For those who historically have used Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, or other IDEs that work well with Anaconda Distribution, we encourage you to give Microsoft VS Code a try. But don’t worry—we will continue to fully support Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, and other IDEs!
Download and install Anaconda Distribution 5.1 now.

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Anaconda Distribution works with Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Microsoft’slightweight and fast open-source code editor.

Microsoft Visual Studio Anaconda

VS Code is free for both private and commercial use, runs on Windows, macOS, andLinux, and includes support for linting, debugging, task running, versioncontrol and Git integration, IntelliSense code completion, and condaenvironments.

Anaconda Vs Visual Studio Code

VS Code is openly extensible and many extensions are available.

In Anaconda Navigator version 1.7 or higher, use the VS Code tile on the homescreen to install or launch VS Code.

When you launch VS Code from Navigator, VS Code is configured to use the Pythoninterpreter in the currently selected environment.

In addition to VS Code, Anaconda fully supports Spyder,Jupyter Notebook, and other IDEs.